Carroll O'Rourke Library

A Treasure and Resource


Thanks to many hours of volunteer service, our library is now searchable online! You can browse our collection by clicking here or enter a topic of interest in the search bar below.

The O’Rourke Memorial Library is located on the first floor of the Wagner House just off the foyer, opening onto a peaceful courtyard brimming with Rhododendrons, camellias, hellebores and ferns. The Library itself is a quiet respite from the world, noted for its architectural detail and wall of windows that bathe the room in natural light; the paint color has not been changed since the house was remodeled in the late 1950s. This was the Wagners favorite room during cooler months, when they would sit in the evenings reading in front of the fireplace, enjoying the cozy and warm atmosphere.

The Library collection consists primarily of volumes from the Wagner family, personal volumes and gifts from family and friends; the Twardowski family, who donated numerous books on plants, botany and horticulture in general; and further donations from the O’Rourkes. The books are available for check-out by Lakewold members only, however all visitors are welcome to look around when the Library is open whenever the gardens are open to the public. During these hours, volunteer Librarians are available to answer questions.

With over 1,000 volumes, the collection includes everything from horticultural encyclopedias and reference tomes to garden design, individual floral species to plants and trees found in the Pacific NW, and gardens of the world to the history of our local timber industry – plus everything in between that speaks to the subject of plants and gardening. When you visit Lakewold Gardens, please stop by the O’Rourke Memorial Library. . . you might just learn something the old-fashioned way: out of a well-used and treasured book!

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Lakewold Gardens | 12317 Gravelly Lake Drive Southwest, Lakewood, WA 98499

Mailing Address | Post Office Box 39780, Lakewood, WA 98496

Phone | 253-584-4106

Email |

Spring/Summer/Fall Hours | 10 am to 5 pm Wed - Sun

Winter Hours (Nov - Mar) | 10 am to 4 pm Fri - Sat

This page is made possible, in part, by a City of Lakewood Lodging Tax Grant.