Wagner House Art Series presents:

December 6, 2024 - January 26, 2026
Artist Reception: December 5, 6-8 pm
Winter is a time of reflection. Light bounces back from wet streets, darkened windows, and the glitter of frost on leaves and branches. Memories of the past year fill our thoughts, which also reach out toward the year to come.
Reflections is a juried exhibition of works by members of the Contemporary QuiltArt Association. Founded in 1986, CQA consists of over 100 Washington artists whose medium of choice is the art quilt. CQA artists present their Reflections in fiber art that is layered and stitched.
Diverse in their design styles, choices of media and working techniques, the artists are not restricted by traditional definitions of quilting, instead expressing their thoughts and feelings through the medium of quilting. Completed works may be postcard-sized, fill an entire wall or stand on their own as three-dimensional sculptures.
Exhibition Quilts:
12x12" Quilts
These 12x12 inch quilts are available for purchase at a reduced price point, with proceeds benefiting the Contemporary QuiltArt Association. Buyers may take these works with them at time of purchase.

Lakewold Gardens | 12317 Gravelly Lake Drive Southwest, Lakewood, WA 98499
Mailing Address | Post Office Box 39780, Lakewood, WA 98496
Phone | 253-584-4106
Email | contactus@lakewoldgardens.org
Spring/Summer/Fall Hours | 10 am to 5 pm Wed - Sun
Winter Hours (Nov - Mar) | 10 am to 4 pm Fri - Sat
This page is made possible, in part, by a City of Lakewood Lodging Tax Grant.