
Investing in Lakewold

Lakewold Gardens stewards and preserves the beautiful grounds and estate gifted to the public by Eulalie Wagner and relies almost entirely on support like yours to accomplish its mission. From protecting this historic estate and nurturing the gardens to offering programming like Music From Home, Lakewold’s efforts depend on the generous donors who partner with us.

Lakewold continues to deepen its commitment to the community by expanding access, increasing opportunities for engagement, and developing programs for all. Support like yours helps ensure Lakewold Gardens continues to welcome the public to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the gardens for generations to come.

Or Mail in Your Donation:

To make a tax-deductible donation by mail, please complete the Annual Garden Fund form
and mail it with your check to:

P.O.Box 39780
Lakewood, WA 98496

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Lakewold Gardens | 12317 Gravelly Lake Drive Southwest, Lakewood, WA 98499

Mailing Address | Post Office Box 39780, Lakewood, WA 98496

Phone | 253-584-4106

Email |

Spring/Summer/Fall Hours | 10 am to 5 pm Wed - Sun

Winter Hours (Nov - Mar) | 10 am to 4 pm Fri - Sat

This page is made possible, in part, by a City of Lakewood Lodging Tax Grant.